Together at every step
Read about strategy and our commitment to create a better life for every person in our region who is affected by cancer, both now and in the future.
For one in two of us, cancer will change everything.
This year alone, an estimated 9,000 people across our region will receive the devastating news that they have cancer. And over 57,000 will be living with the disease.
For them and their families, cancer will change everything. When it does, so can we.
Our purpose
We’re here to create a better life for every person in our region who is affected by cancer, both now and in the future. Everything we do is driven by this vision as we promise to be there – together at every step – for the one in two of us who will face a cancer diagnosis.
Our mission
To improve the lives of people affected by cancer by providing emotional, financial and practical support, investing in high-quality research and treatment, so that the people of this region benefit from the best treatment and care.
Our priorities
We will
- Make sure our information is easily accessible at point of diagnosis
- Engage with a minimum of 1,000 Health Care Professionals who support people living with cancer so they understand how we can support the people they are caring for and how they can refer to us
- Establish a single point of contact for Sheffield providing support, advocacy and navigation for patients, identified in their Holistic Needs Assessment or Cancer Care Review
- Explore how we integrate into new Community Diagnostic Hubs across the region so that we can be there from the moment of diagnosis
We will:
- Launch our community outreach mobile service
- Focus our work to address the needs of people with protected characteristics and those experiencing poverty
- Continue our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) working group, working with partners
We will:
- Embed our Chesterfield and Barnsley services and grow the number of people using the service
- Extend our transport service to Rotherham
- Explore other areas of the region which would benefit from a free transport service, focusing on areas of deprivation and where cancer incidence is high
We will:
- Support Weston Park Clinical Trials Centre to maintain its status as an ‘Experimental Cancer Medical Centre (ECMC), enabling it to continue to be one of the highest recruiting cancer research centres in the UK with 1 in 5 patients treated involved in a research trial
- We will invest in research and new technologies with <5 years proximity to clinical impact that can improve the effectiveness, tolerability and/or cost effectiveness of treatment
- We will test new models of care and patient support that can enable people with cancer to live better lives and retain or regain their independence.
- We will help attract the best health care professionals to work in Sheffield and develop them into the next generation of cancer
We will do this by:
- Maximising opportunities to generate income using digital buckets, digital contact capture, contactless devices, collection tins with QR codes
- Create greater choice for people with cancer and their families on how the access services including: digital screen in our buses, digital screens in our buildings, continue phone and video access; online booking of services
- Continue to develop our website and other digital platforms using digital inclusion principles and good practice
We will:
- Lead with impact, showing the difference we make
- Create a legacy campaign so that more people think of us in their will
- Package up our projects making them appealing to donors so that they understand what their money is spent on
- Introduce new technology for data capture and contactless payments
- Improve our links and relationships with small/medium size Trusts & Foundations which can help our long term sustainability
- Demonstrate how our services support delivery of NHS/Public Health aims securing contracts to fund current or new cancer support services
- Bring back volunteers to bolter our fundraising capability
- Work with our Patrons and ambassadors to promote the charity
Learn more about our strategy
Hear from Emma and Niall on our podcast
Get to know Emma Clarke, our CEO, and Niall Baker, our Chair of the Board of Trustees - we join them to hear why they wanted to get involved with Weston Park and what ambitions they have for the charity.
Read more our outreach work
Our plan to extend our services to communities across Sheffield and the wider region will help people like Peter, who has accessed our cancer support both before and during the pandemic.
Find out about our transport service
We run a free transport from Chesterfield, Barnsley and Rotherham to Sheffield for cancer treatment.
The difference is you
Make a donation
When you help us with a gift or donation, it means we can reach more people and support them to live life with cancer.