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Independent living support

Are you living with or recovering from cancer? If so, you might need a little extra support to keep you safe and well at home, or get you back on your feet.

A woman looks intently at another woman who is holding a piece of paper as they both sit on a sofa.

Helping you remain independent

In partnership with Age UK Sheffield, we offer a three-month package of support to help you remain independent.

This support is available to you if you are living with or beyond cancer, or if you are caring for someone who is.

Support includes:

  • Expert advice
  • Help accessing benefits or aids
  • Adaptations for your home; or connecting you to local activities and services.

This particular support is designed for people aged 50 or over in Sheffield, who are living with or beyond cancer.

Find out more here about the Age UK Independent Living Service.

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George and Denise

Hear from George and Denise, who share their personal journey with Age UK Sheffield and the help of Debbie, an Independent Living Coordinator. Watch as they explain how the service has made a real difference in their lives, helping them during a challenging time.